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What are Goals?

The goals should align with the business objective of the campaign. This determines what action the client takes to leave the campaign.

Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

What are Goals?

Adding a Goal

Selecting your Goal Condition

Customizing your Goal Condition

Using Multiple Goals

What are Goals?

While your entry rule determines which contacts are pulled into a campaign and when your goal determines when a client is pulled out. Selecting the appropriate goal for your auto-campaign is key for two reasons:

  • To ensure contacts stop receiving communications from that particular campaign when they have taken the desired action.

  • To accurately track conversion data and provide visibility to the efficacy of your campaign, messaging, and any relevant offers.

Some common goals are:

  • Making a follow-up purchase

  • Becoming a member

  • Making a reservation

  • Taking a class

It's important to note that not all auto campaigns will require goals. For instance, if you are simply sending a client a welcome text message to ask how their first class was, you aren't necessarily trying to get them to take certain action with this messaging - you are simply engaging them as a client! In this instance of sending one automated welcome message to your new clients, you likely don't need a goal for your campaign. In this instance, you would want to select No here.

Adding a Goal

If you do decide you'd like to include a goal in your campaign, scroll to the Goal section below your entry rule. By default, this area will be set to No. To change this, click Edit > select Yes.

Next, name your goal accordingly. For example, if you plan to remove contacts when they make a follow-up purchase, name your goal "Follow-Up Purchase." Once you type the name, be sure to click Enter on your keyboard to lock in the change.

Selecting your Goal Condition

Quick Options

Marketing Automation will first suggest to you a number of Quick Options conditions - these are commonly used conditions that are already set up for you for convenience. If you aren't seeing the condition you want in this list or aren't sure of what will be the best option for you, click Custom Rule at the bottom to see our full-fledged list of conditions.

Custom Rule

When in doubt, choose Custom Rule! This will give you access to all of the awesome conditions you can use to pull contacts out of your auto-campaign. Feel free to use the search bar to filter based on condition types. Depending on your booking software, the conditions may differ slightly from the image below.

Customizing your Goal Condition

Each condition has a series of drill-down options within for you to customize with. This gives you the ability to get really specific with who you are targeting with your campaign - but feel free to stay high-level, too! How nitty-gritty you get is completely up to you and your intentions for your messaging.

Let's use our Purchased a Service condition as an example. Again, depending on your booking software, the conditions may differ slightly from the image below.

When we select this condition, the condition is pre-set to be as general as possible. There is no specific timeframe selected, and the condition is not currently filtering on any specific payment options, classes, or locations. This is great for capturing any contacts who make any purchase, at any time.

What if we want to be more specific and only remove contacts who have purchased a New Client 3 Class Pack since entering the campaign. Let's use our qualifier drill-down option to accomplish this!

Once you've finished customizing your goal, click Save. You'll then see your goal set up within the campaign.

Using Multiple Goals

There may be instances where you want to include multiple goals in your auto-campaign. For example, maybe you want to pull contacts out if they make a purchase OR make a future reservation. To add another goal to your auto-campaign, click Add another goal and follow the steps above for your new goal.

To learn more about editing an existing goal, check out this article!

Now that you have your goal(s) all set in your auto-campaign, it's time to add client-facing auto-messages and internal auto-actions!

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