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How do I create a class template?
How do I create a class template?
Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

Creating Class Templates is the first step in setting up your class schedule. They help you save time when adding classes to your calendar. Once you've set up your common pre-defined class templates, you can easily pull them up during the scheduling process and it'll automatically populate all the information into the booking form.

To get started go to Services > Classes > click the purple "+" button.

Next, fill out the template.

  • Class Name: This is the name that will display on the class schedule.

  • Description: Member-facing description of the class (will display on the schedule & mobile app).

  • Duration (in minutes): How long is the class?

  • Spaces: How many members can sign up for the class (note: when filled out, the waitlist is enabled)? If there is no limit, check off the box next to "Unlimited."

  • Rate: how much it costs for someone to drop in and attend a single class of this type.

  • Tax: Is this tax inclusive, exclusive, or does it not have tax?

  • Payment Category: Under which category would you like for payments made towards this class to be listed in reporting. You can manage your payment categories directly from the Class Template.

  • Class Category: Under which category of classes do you want Class to be displayed (ex. Free Trials/Fundamentals, Group Classes, Semi-Private Classes, etc)? You can manage your class categories directly from the Class Template.

  • Assigned coach: What coach will be assigned to this class type

  • Location: Where is this class taking place (i.e. a specific room, field, or location)?

  • Cancellation Policy: How soon before class can someone cancel their registration?

  • Allow Online Booking: Do you want this class to be displayed on the class schedule link for members to book themselves?

  • Online Booking Restrictions: If online booking is enabled, do you want to restrict class access to specific memberships, anyone who pays, or is it a free class?

  • Set Trainer Rate Overrides: If trainers get paid a different amount for coaching this class than what is listed as their default rate (under Staff Rates), you can enter the override amount here.

Once filled out, make sure to click "Save" to complete the template.

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