Please note that your current processor may charge a fee to transfer your clients' billing information and the processors take a minimum of 4-5 weeks to transfer information. For this reason, we recommend that gyms with less than 150 members do not pursue a billing transfer, and instead have their members update manually via the welcome email.
Process Overview:
Step One: When signing up for Studio, notify the sales team or your onboarding specialist right away if you would like to transfer your clients' billing information.
Step Two: Your onboarding specialist will reach out to your current processing company and Clearnet to initiate the transfer. As the account owner, you will be CC'd on all communication. Depending on who your current processor is, they may require that the account owner fills out some forms and pay a fee prior to sending the files to Stripe.
Step Three: Your current processor will upload the files to Clearent's servers and Clear will send a confirmation that they were received. Any cards updated in your current platform after this point will not be included in the billing transfer.
Please note that the data sent from your current processor will contain every card and/or bank account ever added by each member. While we try to clean the data as much as possible, we are unable to view the current card on file for your members. If possible, please send us a list of the last 4 digits of each members' current payment method on file in your current system.
Step Four: Triib's development team will map the data from Stripe to your member's account in Triib. Please note that only members who were imported (or manually added) into your Triib account will have mapped data. This can typically be completed within two business days of the files being uploaded to Stripe.
Estimated Timeframe: Transfers take a minimum of 4 - 5 weeks without any delays and therefore unless this is essential, we do not recommend doing a billing transfer.
**Please note that timeframes can vary depending on communication speeds amongst processing companies.