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Why should I create segments?
Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over a week ago

Segments are groups of contacts that meet specified conditions, for example, customers who've attended your studio at least three times in the last 90 days.

Segmenting your contacts by their relevant condition(s) allows you to easily assign recipients for targeted campaigns, scheduled plans, newsletters, etc. The assigned conditions ensure that contacts only receive relevant communication.

For example, if you'd like to send a newsletter for all active members at your studio, you'll first create a segment to include all active members (so that customers who haven't visited your studio in a couple of years are excluded from the newsletter). A potential risk of sending newsletters to all customers, regardless of their visit history, is that those who find the communication irrelevant to them may unsubscribe from your mailing list completely. In this example, the customers who haven't visited your studio in a couple of years may unsubscribe themselves because of your monthly newsletters and miss out on a win-back campaign where you offer a discounted rate on credit packages/membership.

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