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Which Entry Rules should I select for my campaign?
Which Entry Rules should I select for my campaign?
Daniel Freire avatar
Written by Daniel Freire
Updated over 2 years ago

Entry Rules for auto-campaigns will be determined by what you are looking to accomplish with the campaign.
​Quick Options

Marketing Automation will first suggest to you a number of Quick Options conditions - these are commonly used conditions that are already set up for you for convenience. If you aren't seeing the condition you want in this list or aren't sure of what will be the best option for you, click Custom Rule at the bottom to see our full-fledged list of conditions.

Custom Rule

Custom Rules will give you access to all of the conditions you can use to pull contacts into your auto-campaign. Use the search bar to filter based on condition types. Depending on your booking software, the conditions may differ slightly from the image below.

Customizing your Entry Rule Condition

Each condition has a series of drill-down options within for you to customize with. This gives you the ability to get really specific with who you are targeting with your campaign - but feel free to stay high-level if the campaign isn't as specific.

Let's use our First Visit condition as an example.

When we select this condition, the condition is pre-set to be as general as possible. There is no specific timeframe selected, and the condition is not currently filtering on any specific payment options, classes, or locations. This is great for capturing any contacts who simply have their first visit ever.

What if you want to be more specific and only capture contacts who have their first visit on a 10 Class Pack? Let's use the qualifier drill-down option to accomplish this.

Once you've finished customizing your entry rule, click Save. You'll then see your entry rule set up in the campaign.

Using Multiple Conditions in your Entry Rule

Combining multiple conditions can be helpful when trying to accomplish a very specific campaign or add a restriction for another condition. The most important thing to note when combining multiple conditions in your entry rule is that they become "AND" conditions, not "OR" - "OR" scenarios, unfortunately, are not accomplishable with auto-campaigns and would require separate campaigns to be set up.

For instance, you may want to set up a campaign to target contacts who purchase your 10 Class Pack, but only those that have also not visited before. This would involve combining two conditions:

  1. Purchased a Service > 10 Class Pack: To pull in contacts who purchase the 10 Class Pack payment option.

  2. Milestone Visit > Visited exactly 0 times: To ensure only contacts who have never visited before are pulled in

Notice that when we add both conditions, the entry rule shows this as an AND scenario:

Forward-Looking Nature of Campaign Entry Rules

An important thing to note about the logic of auto-campaigns is that they are forward-looking by nature. If a contact has already met this entry rule in the past, they will not pull into the campaign.

For example, if you create an auto-campaign to target contacts who create a new profile in your booking software, this is only going to pull in contacts who create a profile from that day onward. Contacts who created profiles 6 months ago, or even 1 week prior to the campaign start, will not be captured.

If you are looking to also capture these past contacts, you can utilize our Segments tool to do so. Segments, unlike auto-campaigns, are able to capture contacts retroactively. Read more about creating segments and how you can incorporate them into existing auto-campaigns.

To learn more about editing an existing entry-rule, check out this article!

After entry rule(s) are all set in your auto-campaign, you will set up your campaign goal(s), click here to learn what goals are.

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